An ex's former roommate, who I'll refrain from naming outright and just use his nickname: Groovy Doovy, recently celebrated his 40th which was covered in a New York Times article. Still with me? I must have had him on the brain cause when it came time to name my new May flavor, I immediately found the Black Crowes song, Remedy, running through my head. The reason? Well, first let me tell you about the cupcake....this is a lightly flavored lemon cupcake with your choice of strawberry or raspberry buttercream, edged in lemon-flavored sanding sugar, and topped here with a hand-made fondant lemon slice and strawberry. It's essentially a pink lemonade in cupcake form.
Now back to Groovy Doovy who has spent his lifetime successfully providing comic relief. He's a musician -- he and music are like well, lemons and lemonade. One long, hot summer, when Remedy was incessantly playing on MTV and the radio, he got to singing "Can I have some lemonade? All I want is some lemonade" during the song chorus. Listen for it -- you hear it, right? To this day, I cannot think of the Black Crowes, Chris Robinson or heck, even Kate Hudson without thinking of lemonade and Groovy Doovy. So, now you know the story behind the cupcake and its name. I hope you'll be calling me soon for some lemonade....and my new just in for Spring Remedy cupcake!
That cupcake sounds pretty groovy to me. I'll take a half dozen.